Q: What do you think of Western Civilization?
A: I think it would be a good idea.
Mahatma Gandhi, on arrival in England, 1931

Nonviolence Agreement
For the Nov. 15, 1990 Blockade of the Capitola Military Recruitment Center
For the purpose of building trust and to create a foundation of safety so that we know what to expect from each other, we agree to the following guidelines for this action:
1) We will act nonviolently, with respect for all people we encounter. We will seek to express our feelings without verbally or physically abusing anyone.
2) For this action, we agree we will not destroy property. However, many of us in the nonviolent resistance movement do not regard property destruction as inherently violent, and recognize its validity as a tactic in some situations.
3) We will not bring alcohol or other non-prescription drugs. Alcohol and drugs at an action can endanger ourselves, and others, legally and physically. They can also hamper our ability to communicate and work together with clarity.
4) We will not bring firearms or other weapons to the action.
5) Participants who risk arrest recognize that they may face legal consequences as a result of their actions and are prepared to accept these consequences. We encourage jail solidarity.
The legal phone number for this action is 555-1182.
All actionists risking arrest should have the number memorized or written down where they will have access to it throughout the arrest and incarceration process. The phone will be staffed beginning immediately after any arrests, for as long as necessary. As of Nov. 13, we have not secured legal counsel to represent arrested actionists, but it may become available if necessary.