Except for the pictures (linked at the bottom of this page), these are printable flyers, in pdf (Adobe Acrobat) format. Most are presented in two sizes, 8.5" x 11" and A4; the former is for American use, the latter for the rest of the world; the content is virtually identical but the shape of the paper is slightly different.

I would be delighted to make a version of any of these with your particular local information added to it (most of them have Santa Cruz, California, data). If you would like that or have questions or comments, please email Pete Shanks.
Fairness Works
A two-pager which argues that cutting the
top rates of income tax is a social experiment
that has failed, by comparing the experience of
the last twenty years with that of the previous
generation, and that inequality both within
the US and worldwide is excessive and can
be reduced, to the benefit of everyone.
64k. 25 May, 2003.
US version
A4 version

End of an Empire
A two-pager which argues that the US has never
been weaker in comparison with the rest of the world,
that its present policies both at home and abroad
are symptoms of desperation and that the Peace
Movement has never been more important.
132k. 7 April, 2003.
US version
A4 version

What WMDs?
A half-size, double-sided flyer, presented in double
format for photocopying and cutting, which includes
many quotes showing the evolution of American
theories on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction and
on how easy it would be to install a new regime.
60k. 30 May, 2003.
US version
A4 version

Mothers Day
A quarter-size, double-sided flyer, presented four-up
for photocopying and cutting, which was made for
Mothers Day and includes Julia Ward Howes 1870
proclamation as well as current notes.
52k. 6 May, 2003.
US version
A4 version

War on Earth
A half-size, double-sided flyer, presented in double
format for photocopying and cutting, which was made
for Earth Day and focuses in part on the environmental
disaster that is the modern military juggernaut, and on
the impossibility of subduing Iraq and Afghanistan.
68k. 26 April, 2003.
US version
A4 version

Wage Peace
A half-size, double-sided flyer, presented in double
format for photocopying and cutting, that calls for an
end to the invasion of Iraq, where our troops have
been put in harms way for no good reason, mostly
by people with no military experience.
60k. 28 March, 2003.
US version
A4 version

What Coalition?
A half-size, double-sided flyer, presented in double
format for photocopying and cutting, that lists the
announced members of the so-called coalition, with
comments. The details have since changed slightly
but the overall sham remains the same.
60k. 23 March, 2003.
US version
These are full-page versions, slightly older.
52k. 19 March, 2003
US version
A4 version

Should We Invade Iraq?
A one-page flyer from before the war started which
lists and refutes the justifications for it.
44k. 12 March, 2003.
US version
A4 version

Some Funny Pictures
Various images of a humorous nature
mostly sent to me by friends.